The perfect campsite!

I have a selection issue with campsites. I find a place that is nice..., but just not quite right, so onward I go convinced that just over the next hill or around the next curve, the perfect camp is waiting.
In younger days, I traveled most often by shank's mare and carried everything I needed upon my back. I spent many nights in camps that were, if not perfect, so close that my imagination was fueled with enthusiasm for what I would discover the next day. --- Of course, I can also remember dropping in the middle of a mountain trail and sleeping on rocks so severe that only total exhaustion allowed any sleep at all.
Even now, in my dotage, I continue my quest for the perfect campsite. In lieu of shank's mare, I travel in a 4 wheel drive Toyota. My canvas packsack has become a fiberglass Casita travel trailer. Instead of mountain paths, I travel country back roads and the occasional jeep path.
Still, my vision is the same..., just over the next hill, or just around the next curve, I will find the perfect campsite!


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