
Showing posts from February, 2021
 The Constitution does not define when "Personhood" begins. So, in a legal sense, if a person does not exist until the moment of birth, then Hillary Clinton is correct when she denies that a child still in the womb has any "Constitutional Rights". However, for most non-Democrats, this is an ethical question, not a legal question. If we ask, "Should society protect children who are still in the womb?", most non-Democrats will answer, "Certainly!". We may go on to discuss specific and possible extenuating circumstances, but in general, non-Democrats agree that the human potential of a child in the womb deserves society's consideration, care, and protection. Democrats, on the other hand, subscribe to an ethical view that the powerful have the right of life or death over the powerless. Democrats are perfectly OK with the ethical proposition that adults are entirely within their right to make a life or death decision regarding the powerless child.

Eh La Bas

Here is a little reminder of Mardi Gras!

The 'Rectile Dysfunctioning Blues


Lets Get Real About Term Limits

We have been taught that there are four branches of government, but that is not true! In reality, although not outlined in the Constitution there is a fourth branch. It is the bureaucracy, also known as "The Swamp"!  The bureaucracy, as has been clearly demonstrated during the last four years, controls a great deal of power. In fact, It can easily be argued that today, the bureaucracy is more powerful than any of the three legitimate branches of government. That is the first of my concerns with the popular call for "term limits". In any new job, there is a learning curve. During that learning curve, it is common for the new employee to lean heavily on the "staff" and take cues from them. If term limits are imposed, that will mean that the number of elected officeholders who are in the early stage of the learning cycle will increase. Would that not mean that the "staff", who are employees and not elected by the people, would have more power? My s