Huntsville (Texas) State Park last November

Spent Thanksgiving last visiting my soon-to-be in-laws near Willis, Texas. On the way home I conveniently became lost, saw a sign that proclaimed "Park Road", and soon found myself in an almost empty state park. It was close to dark, so Max (my canine traveling companion) and I found a spot and set up for the night. It was a peaceful night, but the next morning was enough to make even the most insensitive heart break into song!
Max and I spent most of the morning browsing around and I took a few photos for my memories book. The most remarkable photo turned out to be the one that I did not take! If you look closely you will see a white bird (an egret I believe) flying over the water and if you look closer still, you can see a ripple in the water slightly behind and to the left of the bird. That is an alligator swimming by.
What originally caught my attention was that the bird was standing on the alligator's head as the 'gator swam along. The alligator would submerge and the bird would take wing. When the alligator surfaced again, the bird would reclaim it's perch on the alligator's head.
This happened several times before I thought to pull my smartphone from my pocket and try to get a photo. Alas, my timing was off and I never got the photo that I wanted. Even so, it is something that I can see clearly when I turn off the lights in the Casita and snuggle down for the night.


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