
Showing posts from November, 2018

EXPOSED: Republican Plan to Destroy American Families

Nine Generations of Democratic Voters Pose For Election Day Family Photograph Can you spot the deceased family members? Family reunions and holidays are treasured in many parts of this Nation. For Democrats, the most important family day each year is Election Day, the first Tuesday after November 1st! On Election Day, Democrats from the past rise from the grave to cast their ballot. Living Democrats meet at the polls to welcome and freely converse with great-great-great Grandpa, who passed away in 1845, as he casts his ballot! Republicans have long resented the fact that only their living family members can vote in national and local elections. As early as 1865, Republicans began to advance schemes to keep deceased Democrats away from their rightful place at the polls! Today many states, such as Texas, have passed Voter ID Laws specifically designed to prevent Democratic families from enjoying comradeship and political inclinations with their deceased family members. The