Getting lost is something at which I am quite handy!

Getting lost is something at which I am quite handy! I had heard that Arkansas was a beautiful place, so I pointed myself in that general direction. Ended up somewhere around Mena, Arkansas. I liked it a lot.
When it was time to head back toward Texas, I saw a little road that looked interesting. It was paved and looked well maintained, so, "Why not?". Gradually the pavement turned to gravel. The the gravel turned to dirt. The the dirt turned to..., well, let's just say that those who live a sane existence, would have found a place to gracefully turn back toward whence they came.
Eventually I came to a fork in the road. The Forest Service had helpfully posted a map on an old fence post. That gave me some assurance that eventually I would find my way back to civilization. I snapped a photo of the map with my phone, and so continued onward.
That night I camped at Shady Lake Campground. Marvelous spot, and if you ever find your way to where ever I was, I am certain that you will enjoy spending a night or two there.
Eventually came to a overlook. Looks like it was built by the CCC.

Wonderful view!


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