The Constitution does not define when "Personhood" begins. So, in a legal sense, if a person does not exist until the moment of birth, then Hillary Clinton is correct when she denies that a child still in the womb has any "Constitutional Rights".

However, for most non-Democrats, this is an ethical question, not a legal question. If we ask, "Should society protect children who are still in the womb?", most non-Democrats will answer, "Certainly!". We may go on to discuss specific and possible extenuating circumstances, but in general, non-Democrats agree that the human potential of a child in the womb deserves society's consideration, care, and protection.

Democrats, on the other hand, subscribe to an ethical view that the powerful have the right of life or death over the powerless. Democrats are perfectly OK with the ethical proposition that adults are entirely within their right to make a life or death decision regarding the powerless child. Democrats call this ethical philosophy "Choice". Others call it "Might makes right"!

The idea that the strong should be able to impose their will upon those who are weaker is not a new idea. It has been around for at lease 2500 years. The Democrats did not create the idea even though they wholeheartedly embrace it's concept. It would be an error that they mean to apply the idea to only the unborn children -- as long as the Democratic Party has the power to do so, they will run roughshod over every right and freedom that our Constitution has guaranteed to American citizens.

Abraham Lincoln had a different way of thinking about it. In 1860 in his Cooper Union speech, Lincoln said, "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it." We should take Lincoln's words to heart.


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