Listen to this essay read aloud:

Do we live in the United States of America? Or do we live in the land of Uz? Twenty-five or 26 centuries ago, a gentleman's agreement' between God and Satan was recorded in The Book of Job. Perhaps a short synopsis is in order for those of us whose shadow seldom falls upon the threshold of a church door.

Job was a good and successful man who honored God. He had sons and daughters and friends who admired and loved him. He owned flocks of various livestock and by all accounts was a righteous man.

One day God and Satan were sitting around Heaven chatting.
Satan said to God, "You know, I believe that that fellow, Job, only honors you because you have given him so many blessings. I'll bet you that I can make him curse your name."
God accepted the bet and gave Satan permission to have a go at Job. Satan, using the all of the latest technology available, immediately began his program to destroy Job so that he would curse God.

Job's children and flocks were killed. His body was covered with boils, and on top of that, Job's friends immediately began to pile on about how Job must be guilty of something... after all, where there is smoke, there is bound to be fire!

At the time, Satan was unable to get Job to curse God. But Satan is not just an ordinary run of the mill Joe Schmoe. For the last 25 or 24 thousand years, he has been looking for something more effective method than merely killing someone's children, destroying their livelihood, reputation, and physical health. It looks as though Satan's patience, diligence, and unending malevolence is finally paying off. Satan has discovered the Democrats! All of Satan's efforts in the past are children's games compared to what the Democrats are trying to do to the American people!

The parallel between a story that was written 25 centuries ago and what is happening today in the Washington, D.C. is obvious. You don't have to be a "Bible thumper", to understand that the Bible contains a lot of wisdom. And you don't have to have a doctorate in psychology to understand that the Democrats are playing everyone in the country for suckers!


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