Step by Step: How to Integrate Landing Page Forms With Lion Desk Using Zapier

Here is a step-by-step outline that shows how to integrate a non-supported website with Lion Desk using Zapiers email parser. This will allow you to create a single "ZAP" that will automatically assign new leads to the correct Lion Desk source and auto-pilot even if you have multiple leadpage websites.

For this to work, the emails from the separate websites must look the same. i.e., have the same information in the same place in each email from each website. And the email must contain a field that passes the correct "source index" for each of your Lion Desk sources.

1. In Lion Desk, create the source and the auto-pilot that you want for that lead source. This process is well covered in the Lion Desk documentation and will not be covered in this tutorial.  IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CREATE THE SOURCE AND AUTO-PILOT BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE! Once you have created the source and auto-pilot, write down the souce name and the source index.  You will need this later when setting up your landing page website.

Here is a video that shows how to find the "source index" in Lion Desk:

2. Go to  Login or create an account. Note that the free account is all you need to capture information and send it to Lion Desk.

3. Create a parser mailbox at
3A. This is where you will set up the email address where your landing page will send the lead information that it collects. Scroll down and read the page so that you get a basic idea of how the parser will work.  Then click the blue "CREATE MAILBOX" button.

3B. The parser has created a mailbox with a strange-looking name consisting of a string of characters. It is waiting for you to send an email to that address before you can go any further. You are not ready to send an email yet, so click on "Skip waiting"

3C. The next screen is where you would normally setup the parsing for your form email. But since no email was sent, you cannot set up the parsing.  At the top you will see a box that will allow you to change the email address to something more human if you like. Change it if you like but read the warning.  Then scroll down a bit and click on the blue "Save Address and Template" button.

4. Set up the form on your website. Most of the time you will collect at least the following information from the lead:
  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Email address
  4. Phone

    Add the following two HIDDEN fields to your form:
  5. Lion Desk Source Index
  6. Lion Desk Source
These last two fields should be "hidden" fields. Hidden fields do not show to the consumer but they still transmit information. The source index is the information that will let Lion Desk know which auto-pilot to run when the lead comes in.

NOTE: If you don't transmit the source index with the form, you will need to set up a separate ZAP mailbox for each landing page. That will work, but it is time-consuming and error-prone. This way, you "set it and forget it".  Do it once the right way and be done with it.

6.  Send an email from your form to the Zapier email address you set up in step 5D. All fields will need something in them before you can set up parsing.  If you use dummy info with the last name of "Test", it makes it easy to find and delete in Lion Desk when you have finished testing. The email will look something like this:
    First name: Just
    Last name: Testing
    Phone:       111-222-3333
    Source:   My Lion Desk Source Name
    Source index:   123456

The last two fields should be hidden in the form but should be visible in the email the form sends.

7. Set up parsing in your Zapier Email Parser.  Go back to your parser mailbox (

8. Select the mailbox where you sent the form email. Click on "edit" for the mailbox. Then follow the instructions. (  You will highlight the data that you want to go into Lion Desk.  Each time you highlight a bit a data, a box will pop open where you can type in a field name for that data.  For instance, when you highlight the first name it would be logical to call that field something like "firstname".  Do that for all of the fields in your email. Then save it.

9. Now that your mailbox has been set up, go back to and create the ZAP. 

9A. In Zapier, click on the red "Make A Zap" button in the top right of the window.

9B."Choose A Trigger App" - The app that you want to choose is the "Email Parser". You can begin by typing the word "email" in the search box and you will then see the "Email Parser" icon.  Double click to choose it.

9C. "Select Email Parser by Zapier Trigger" - just click the bubble and then click continue.

9D."Select Email Parser by Zapier Account" - First click the "Connect an account" button. This will ask for your authorization then bring in any mailboxes that you have created.  
Select the mailbox that you will be using for your form. If you have created several mailboxes this can be confusing. If you only have the one mailbox, it is a good idea to click on the "pencil" icon and give it a name that makes it clear what it does. 
Click the "Test" button to make certain that the mailbox is connected, then click the "Save and Continue" button. 
 9E. "Set up Email Parser by Zapier Email" -  Click the "Refresh Fields" button just for good luck, then click the "V" beside the selection box.  That will show a list of all of the mailboxes that you have set up.  Sellect the one you want to use and then click "Continue".

10. "Test Email Parser by Zapier"  - Just follow the instructions.  You may need to go to your landing page and submit another test form.  If everything checks out here you have accomplished the heavy lifting.

11. Now look at the email and make certain that everything you need for Lion Desk has been captured.  This is the sample that will be used to assign the fields in Lion Desk, so it has to be right.

12. Getting close to the end!!  Select "Lion Desk CRM Beta" for the app.

13. "Select LionDesk CRM Action" - Select "Create a new contact" then click "Save and Continue" button

14. "Select LionDesk CRM Account" - Most folks will only have one Lion Desk account. If you have more than one, or if you are setting this up for a friend, make certain that you select the correct account and then click the "Continue" button


15. "Set Up LionDesk CRM Contact" - This is where you select the data from the email that will be placed in each LionDesk field.  All you are doing is making certain that the lead's first name goes into the Lion Desk "First name" field.  

First, make sure that 'the "Preview" is turned on. Then, for each Lion Desk field, click the "Insert a field" button to the right of the box. Select the correct "PARSE" value for each field.


When you get to the "Contact Source" field, select  "USE A CUSTOM VALUE". 
That will insert a new box immediately below.  In that box you must select "PARSE OUTPUT SOURCE INDEX" 

This is the point of this entire tutorial. If you do this correctly, you only need one email address and the emails you send to that single address will automatically start the correct Lion Desk auto-pilot. Otherwise, you have to create a separate email address and separate zap for each and every landing page.


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