For Real Estate Agents Only - What Do These Statistics Mean To You?

What Do These Statistics Mean To You?
Your Takeaway
90% of home buyers searched online during their real estate search process
Furnish an online portal for your customers and clients where they can search homes. Know how to explain why they should be using your portal instead of the Zillow/Trulia, etc., etc.
Why? You lose control when your buyers are roaming all over the internet. Position yourself as their best and most reliable source of information by giving them a portal where they can search and you can interact with them and make search suggestions.
78% of consumers prefer getting to know a company through articles instead of ads.
Maintain a customized blog with information that will be of interest to your target market of consumers. Drive inquiries to the appropriate blog articles in your blog.
Why? The same reason as above. Also, your blog serves as a library of pertinent information that you can use to reach out to potential customers and position yourself as top-of-mind when they are ready to get serious about buying or selling.
69% of searchers who take action on a real estate website begin their research with a local term.
Your website should feature localized neighborhood information and preconfigured searches of hotspots in your target market.
Why? Localized pages are more likely to turn up in the search results than general pages. By targeting specific areas you control your time and energy, and you show expertise in the areas that you target.
95% of online leads convert between the 2nd and 12th contact attempt.
Have a plan for your contact attempts. Don’t give up after only one or two attempts. When you do successfully contact a lead, make certain that you get permission to contact them again in the future.
Why? People are busy with their lives. If you give up easily, you should look for a profession other than real estate sales. It usually takes repeated contacts over a period of time before you earn the leads trust and confidence. You build trust and confidence when you ask for permission to contact them again and furnish them with information that is relative to their desires and situation.


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