Thurs. August. 14, 2014 - On the Road to Alabama

Left the house around 4:30 this afternoon. I wanted to get a little way down the road so I would not dawdle around the house and get a late start Friday morning.  Max and I stopped at the Walmart in Rockdale and picked up a few supplies. Then we drove on until 9:30 or so and then began looking for a spot for the night.

Pulled into a parking lot at a crossroads store and checked the campground guide on my iPad.  Noticed a green dot with the intriguing name, "User Area #5".  I poked the coordinates into my GPS and saw that "User Area #5" was only about 14 miles down a county road from my nominal location of Marquez, Texas.  Off we went!

I may have mentioned that my night vision has become somewhat problematic. By now nightfall had descended with full force and finality. No problem though. The friendly lady who resides inside of my GPS was right there to guide me each inch of the way.  "Turn left in 3 tenths of a mile,... 2 tenths,  1 tenth,  TURN LEFT!!!

"But, Lady In My GPS, I do not see a road to turn -- Oh, wait -- there it is!  Bump - bump - bounce - bounce -  tires on gravel sound -- "REROUTING - REROUTING!!"

Ahead of me stretched a narrow dirt path leading through a dark and mysterious tunnel of overhanging trees and vines, leading to who knows what -- my imagination filled the blanks and discretion urged immediate retreat!

Backing the Casita 50 yards on a narrow track ranks so far down on my skill set that it is only a couple of notches above my skill in picking wives. It took a while, but, after many "pulling forwards to begin again" I had the rig back on pavement and headed in the right direction.  A very short distance down the road, we found the correct turn and soon arrived at "User Area #5", AKA "Limestone Lake Park".

Limestone Lake Park is a very nice place with a fishing pier, picnic tables with shelters, and clean toilet facilities.  We quickly found a spot on the water and set up for the night. Tomorrow morning I will take some photos.


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