Fwd: Left RR at 6:30 this morning. made it to Mississip

(Trip to Huntsville, Alabama for Uncle Vernon's Service)

Left RR at 6:30 this morning. made it to Mississippi by 6:30 this evening.  Can see that I will not make to Huntsville before midnight and having problems keeping my eyes open while I drive. Called Shelby Jean and left message not to expect me tonight.

Turned up Natchez Trace Parkway and found a beautiful campsite by the water.  Set up camp, ate some Kung poa chicken I brought with me.  Took a few photos and turned in. I will grab a bit of rest, then get a very early start so I can be there early tomorrow.

Woke at 2am.  Hitched up and headed for Huntsville.  Should arrive around 8am.  at Shelby Jean and Bill's.

Got to Tuscaloosa at 6am.  Too early to call Ed and Betty Ann.  Would not have time for a visit anyway.  Gassed up and continued toward Huntsville.


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