Notes Taken The Day After Thanksgiving

Boondocked in the Granger Dam Overlook near Taylor Texas last night.  Temperature dropped below freezing but the Surburban furnace kept my little Casita very comfortable and I had a very good night's sleep, aided, no doubt by the marvelous Thanksgiving dinner at Kay's house yesterday evening.

It is a beautiful, sunny morning. Max is outside exploring around. I am having my morning coffee and writing this at the dining table. I took a panoramic photo of the lake outside using the camera in my phone. It is another of those views that makes one glad to be alive.  Then I came inside and took my heart meds so that I will have time to discover more views like this.

There was a slight mystery this morning.  Last night as I was getting undressed for bed, I had laid my jeans on the dinette table.  This morning the were wet! There has been no rain and I had not spilled any water. Max never jumps onto the table so it was not a "doggy accident".

I had not unhitched the Casita from the Toyota FJ last night and the Casita had a slight tilt towards the front and an even slighter tilt to the curb side. Although the last rain was several days ago, I believe that some water was trapped in the bottom of the window AC that is mounted in the rear window of the Casita. The tilt must have been enough to drain the water so that it dripped on the table.

Taking a break to check on Max and take a morning walk.....

Granger Dam is an earth dam, nothing more than rocks and dirt piled across a narrow spot in the river bed.  Immediately below where we spent the night there is a band of large rocks. The band is about 25 yards wide and as steep as a mountainside scree. I could see a path that led from the base of the rocks down to the water. I decided that Max would enjoy visiting the lake shore, something that I doubt he has ever seen before.

Many would question the wisdom of a seventy year-old man, who was hospitalized for heart problems less than one week ago, deciding to climb down a rather precarious pile of rocks like this, and little more than halfway across, even I was asking myself some pretty hard sanity questions. Max, showing somewhat better judgement than I, went about halfway across the band then decided to sit there and see if I really was serious about this adventure.  I made it down only to find a second band of scree that was even more rugged if less vertical.  Having gone this far, I was not about to stop and carefully picked my way across the second pile of rocks and made it to the lake shore.

Max, seeing that I was serious, eventually made his way down and joined me. We were rewarded with 1) a satisfied feeling of accomplishment, 2) a marvelous view of the lake that seemed to stretch for miles, and 3) the discovery of a humongous pile of trash that someone had gathered but neglected to haul up the slope ans dispose of properly.


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